Technical support

Website technical support

Our technical support in the field of website maintenance aims to provide you with a seamless and efficient online presence. With us, your website is in good hands. We guarantee that its technical infrastructure is reliable, secure, and ready to support your business in the online space. Contact us and leave the technical side of your website in the hands of professionals.

Why is technical support necessary for WordPress websites?

Maintaining WordPress websites is a key element in ensuring a smooth and effective online presence. In our company, we understand that WordPress is a powerful tool, but it requires regular care and maintenance. WordPress is one of the most popular platforms, which makes it a target for attacks. Maintenance includes regular updates to the system and plugins to ensure a high level of security. The platform and additional elements such as themes and plugins are regularly updated to improve functionality and fix possible bugs. Regular updates keep your website in optimal condition. Maintenance provides a backup and recovery system, ensuring that you can quickly restore information in case of a problem. Optimizing the website for better speed and performance is a crucial aspect of maintenance. This affects the user experience and SEO results.
What does our technical support service for websites from WebyBrothers include?
    • High level of security against hacker attacks.
    • Regular updates keep your website in tip-top shape.
    • Backup and restore.
    • Website optimization for better speed and performance.
    • Ability to manage content.
    • Regular testing of site playback speed on all technical devices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Готови ли сте да осигурите безупречна работа на вашия уебсайт с професионална поддръжка? Свържете се с нас днес и нека започнем да работим заедно!

Website maintenance service includes regular updates, monitoring and security, backups and recovery, performance optimization and ongoing support and improvements. We provide a full service to ensure your website functions optimally and is secure.

Website updates are done regularly, depending on the needs and requirements of your website. Typically, this includes monthly updates to software, plugins, and themes, as well as immediate updates for critical vulnerabilities or new releases.

We use a variety of security measures, including regular vulnerability scans, firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and other preventative measures. In addition, we ensure rapid response and remediation of any threats or incidents.

We provide regular reports and analytics that include information on updates, security, performance and any maintenance activities performed. Additionally, our team is available for any questions or need for information regarding the status of your website.